(Centre Européen de Recherche et de Formation Avancée en Calcul Scientifique)
Cerfacs is a basic and applied research center, specialized in modeling and numerical simulation. Through its facilities and expertise in High Performance Computing, Cerfacs deals with major scientific and technical research problems of public and industrial interest.
Cerfacs hosts interdisciplinary researchers such as physicians, applied mathematicians, numerical analysts, software engineers who design and develop innovative methods and software solutions to meet the needs of the aeronautics, space, climate, energy and environmental fields.
Cerfacs is involved in major national and international projects and is strongly interacting with its seven shareholders : Airbus Group, Cnes, EDF, Météo France, Onera, Safran et Total. It is also associated with partners like CNRS (Associated Research Unit), Irit (common laboratory), CEA and Inria (cooperation agreements).
Cerfacs aims to
- Develop scientific and technical researches in order to improve advanced computing methods, including a better consideration of the related physical processes as well as the development of performing algorithms for the new computers’ architectures,
- Allow either solely or shared access to computers with new architecture, being able to gain performances,
- Transfer this scientific knowledge and technical methods for application to big industrial sectors,
- Train high qualified people and offer an advanced training for the fields and selected application themes.
Competence relevant to FLEX4H2
LES predictions of complex geometry turbulent reacting flows. The objective of CERFACS’ contribution to FLEX4H2 is within the previous context is in particular to assess the first stage combustion chamber of the GT36 to operate with different mixtures of H2/CH4 at different machines loads. Once ensured, the thermos-acoustic stability of such a burner in these various conditions will have to be assessed numerically in collaboration with other partners from the project.